Frequently Asked Questions






How do I join the Accord?

To join the Accord, it is first important for you and the organization you represent to decide that you want to make a difference to reduce racism and discrimination and improve living conditions for the community as a whole.

The next step is to fill this form out





How do I know which recommendations to implement? 

The recommendations, Calls for Justice, and Calls for Action are wide-ranging and far-reaching, but choosing what to address is entirely up to your organization and its interests. The Accord inherently respects the autonomy of its signatories. We collectively understand that we can’t do everything, but we all know something needs to be done.
To help new signatories get the ball rolling, we schedule 2-4 workshops every year.

Take a look at our calendar. In the meantime, the Resource Guide is available for you to use to get you started.





Who do I contact if I have further questions about the Accord?

Have a question not answered here? Send us an email





What are the benefits of joining the Accord?

The benefits of joining the Accord are centered on the community: by signing onto the Accord your business is committing to making improvements in the community by contributing to the reduction of anti-Indigenous racism, creating an inclusive environment for all, and by working towards reconciliation. The Accord also gives signatories key contacts to reach out to when help is needed for anti-racism and inclusion initiatives. By signing onto the Accord, you are showcasing your leadership in the community when it comes to change.





What are the next steps once I join the Accord?

Once you’ve contacted us to join the Accord, we will send you a welcome package via email which includes information on how to get started.





What am I committing my organization to by joining the Accord?

By joining the Accord you and your organization are committing to taking actions that will contribute to a reduction of racism and discrimination in Thunder Bay. We collectively take guidance from the Three Investigations: the Seven First Nations Youth Inquest, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Accord signatories also commit to reporting annually on their progress. Making these reports available to the public on the Accord’s website is our main accountability mechanism. We also hope to use data collected in the reports to collectively track our progress from year to year.